So since I have settled in London I guess it would make most sense for me to start writing my blog in English. I am sure all my Estonian readers won't mind :) What is there to tell, been here for almost 2 months now and things cannot go any better to be honest. I had a job and a place to live within the 1,5 weeks I arrived and seems like Lady Luck has definitely had me in her favor. But since I do believe in karma, it was about time that I got a break and got a normal routine life beacause the past 2 years were a hell to go thrugh with the cheating, lying, stealing ex :) Now I only think about his miserable soul once a month, when I have to pay the loans that I took out for him, but nevermind him. I have already adjusted to the life here and have fell in love with London and it's people and the feeling is mutual, I am sure. I do miss some friends back from home, but not so much the homeland itself. It's the people that make a home really, not a place. And seems like I am going to be staying here a while. So here's to London, a new page in life and more wonderful and adventorous entries to come!