I have a new friend, Ivari, he was someone I didn't know that well from when I was back home and so a couple of months ago he had a headline that he is looking for a flat in London on one of the many dating sites and I jokingly replied that the house I live in has an available flat, not really expecting him to take it seriously, but he did and voila, here he is. He is a good guy, a good friend.
Speaking of friends, Vootele came to visit, he was on his way back from Australia to Estonia and stopped here for 2 weeks. I think we partied and went out every other night, I had not partied like this in a long time and it showed, 2 days before he left I got sick...7 times within about 2 hours. I thought I was going to throw up my guts. But it was worth it, one of the coolest things was that the places we went to I had never been as well, so I have fond first memories of places like Heaven and Fire, etc. It was bittersweet to see him go, sad that he is leaving, but at the same time excited of what life has in store for him when he gets back home. And with us it is never too sad, there is no big drama, it is like saying "See you tomorrow!" with us, becasue when time goes by and we meet it seems like it has only been a day.
Also one other big thing is that me and Ivari and one of his friends, who will be coming from Estonia might start living together in one big 3 bedroom flat starting next year. I have always been very home-oriented and I always make a house a home when I move in somewhere, so it is difficult for me to move, but I am quite excited about that as well.
Other than that not much new, oh, I also hooked up with swedish architect/rugby player. I felt so refreshed the day after, the realization I came to is that sometimes sex is all we need so I should start practicing it more often. I think I have always put sex as it is quite on a high pedastal, only to be practiced with someone you have feelings for and so on. But since that night, hand job, blow job, top or bottom...sex is sex and it should be enjoyed by human beings.
I hope that the coming Christmas month will bring you joy and warmth into your hearts and souls and that whatever your dreams and wishes, big or small, come true in the coming year.